Congratulations! You are about to experience the ultimate vacation package for Harry Potter fans! Prepare to step into the excitement of some of Harry Potter’s greatest adventures by starting your day with a magical breakfast at The Leaky Cauldron and Three Broomsticks. But before the magic begins, there are a few simple steps you’ll need to take to redeem your package vouchers.
In your eDocuments you will receive vouchers for your meals at Leaky Caludron and Three Broomsticks as well as a voucher for your photo session at Shutterbuttons Phototography Studio. These vouchers need to be redeemed for tickets that you will use at your reservation for each of these locations.

The vouchers can be exchanged for venue tickets at the ticket desk at your Universal On-Site Resort – the same location where you will collect your park tickets. Additional locations where the vouchers can be exchanged are at the Guest Services locations just outside of Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure parks.
The tickets you receive will have the location printed on the back, but they will look very similar to your park tickets.
Keep your tickets in a safe place, and take a photograph of them so in case they get misplaced or damaged.
Once you’ve completed these steps, grab your wands and head over to the parks!