Resource - Internal Only

Webinar – Balancing Work and Life / Groups

Struggling with balancing your Dream Designing and your family?  You don’t have to give up either…you just have to organize and prioritize.  This webinar gives you some ideas on how to create that necessary balance.

Part 2 of the webinar focuses in on Group Sales with Disney.  If you have any interest in booking groups, you must watch this section to gain a basic understanding of how groups work.  Then… we can get into the details of your group prospects.

Karen Stoner

Karen is the owner and lead Dream Designer at My Mickey Vacation Travel. She is now in her 10th year of planning vacations to Disney destinations, as well as other vacation experiences. She leads her team of 80 Dream Designers and credits them with the overall success of the agency, and is especially proud of the PLATINUM Authorized Disney Vacation Planner designation that the company has earned.